Nationally-recognised qualifications

(Certificate IV TAE & Companion Animal Services, Certificate in Dangerous Dog Management)

Paradise Pet Parks trainers Dave Wright and Jasmine Khourey hold the nationally-recognised qualifications (Certificate IV TAE & Companion Animal Services, Certificate in Dangerous Dog Management) and experience to provide an independent assessment, guidance and recommendations on training and management of your dog in cases involving aggression or menacing behaviours.  It is important to understand that in cases where we identify risks – these will be transparently identified in the report in an independent manner.

Both trainers have a wealth of experience in this field, often providing training to Council Rangers, Vets, RSPCA, Police and Corrections Handlers right across the country on how to assess and manage risk when it comes to Aggressive Dog Management.  Dave Wright is considered an expert witness in court matters involving dog incidents & attacks.

Our assessments take approximately one hour to conduct either on-site or at your residence.  We then require up to seven days to prepare the written report outlining the results and recommendations of the assessment.  The report is also supported by video footage of the assessment.


  • 1 hour assessment
  • Written report - results + recommendations
  • Video footage of assessment
  • 7 days to complete