Important information for your pet.
Important information for your pet.
No. As much as Doggy Daycare can be a valuable solution for many dog owners - not all dogs benefit, or are suited to Day Care. Some dogs, just like some people, are more introverted in personality. These dogs would prefer to have their needs met by a private dog walker rather than Daycare, with lots of different personalities of dogs.
It doesn’t mean that there is something wrong with your dog or that something needs to be fixed. It is perfectly acceptable for a dog to prefer the companionship of one or two close friends, or their owner, as it is for a dog to love the Doggy Daycare environment.
Things you could do with your dog instead? How about going for a walk together, take a hike, or try some activity such as agility, RallyO, or Nosework. You’ll both have a great time bonding, and most important of all, your dog will be happy.
Our minimum vaccination requirement is a C5 – this will provide protection against most serious infectious canine diseases as well as minimise or prevent effects of Canine (Kennel) Cough. We are happy to have these in electronic format. Please ensure C5 coverage is up to date and administered at least 14 days prior to your dog’s stay.
Yes, feel free to contact by email or phone. We are a busy kennel and our priority is always care of the dogs, however if your call goes unanswered, we will always return messages left on our machine. We also try and keep updates coming through photos on our Facebook page, however please understand that we cannot promise that you will regularly see photos of your dog, but we really do our best!
Firstly, all kennels are indoors and completely dry and warm. In terms of exercising them, we won’t sugar coat this – your dog will get wet and muddy! We will of course towel dry them off – but as a general rule we don’t let showers of rain spoil the fun. If it is heavy – then we have alternative sheltered areas to let them explore, but we know most dogs prefer to get out and have a great time, rain or shine! Our staff will be with them every step of the way. We shorten the time outside and try and get the dogs out between rain periods where possible.
Yes, however we also have put a video on our website which will hopefully give you an idea of what they look like. We do need to make kennel inspections by appointment as we need to be able to coordinate movement of members of the public around the running of dogs. Our kennels are compliant with the relevant NSW Animal Welfare Code of Practice and also used by various government agencies and welfare groups who are happy with their levels of size, comfort, hygiene and security.
Not unless you want them to. This is what separates us from many other boarding kennels, we don’t ‘double up’ dogs in kennels, despite the size of the kennels being quite large. We will make exceptions where people request their pets or friends pets be housed together, otherwise they will have a space of their own.
Inside in clean, dry, insulated and very comfortable kennels.
No we don’t.
The dogs are taken out for lengthy exercise and socialisation sessions numerous times throughout the day for periods ranging from twenty minutes to an hour each time. We will always ensure this is done three times per day, often more frequently. During these sessions, the dogs are so exhausted by the end of them, they willingly go back into their kennels for a rest!
We don’t believe in leaving dogs in ‘runs’ as their time out – we find the approach of getting them out into our paddocks really reduces kennel stress and you will soon find your dog will drag you through the front gates of our facility for their future stays!
We have a caretaker on site and we also have remote security camera systems which pick up any movement in and the facility.
All breeds and all temperaments.
This will be okay, we manage cases like this very well and don’t take risks. We have on many occasions sent ‘anti-social’ dogs back to their owners with a new attitude to being around other dogs. We also recognised there are times this just isn’t possible and will make adjustment to the routine to ensure these dogs are still given lots of exercise.
We use long lines on the dogs who are potential escape artists and supervise them very closely. Some dogs simply can’t be left unsupervised in a one-on-one situation and we will make sure this happens. We also have larger roofed day runs where these dogs can spend time – these are completely secure and escape proof.
This is what we do best! We have a very experienced group of trainers who oversee the running of dogs in groups. Not every dog can run in a group – some dogs really don’t benefit from doing so and we will pick that up very quickly. We watch the dogs very carefully and put safeguards in place such as barriers, long lines and additional supervision when ‘testing dogs’.
We also find combinations of dogs which can work, even if this means running a smaller group of suited dogs together. We keep our small dogs together and only very gentle, or older ‘bigger’ dogs will ever find their way into the small dog group if it’s safe. If your dog is not suited to groups, they get extra special attention with property runs and one on one time with our staff. No dog misses out!
We will feed Man’s Best dog biscuits. This is a high-quality dog food. In some cases, it can be better to bring your dog’s own food. Especially for dogs with a sensitive stomach or for the fussy eaters. We have a fridge and a freezer and are able to accommodate all special diets. If you do bring your dog’s own food, it is recommended to write a note with instructions and put it with the food.
This would be absolutely no problem at all – we do not charge extra for administering medication – we see it as part of the overall care of your dog.
We recommend flat collars with a ‘quick release’ clip.